Cloud Dynamics Blog: Marketing Insights for the Cloud

Marketing Automation Workflow

Written by Team Intricately | January 24, 2022

You know your product speaks for itself. A good idea made into a great and accessible solution is the first step any business can take towards ultimate success. 

At the start-up or small business scale, this might be all you need – with the help of a few well-placed ads and a little word-of-mouth magic, a user-oriented, product-led company may quickly soar. But to really stimulate organizational acceleration, your business needs to back that phenomenal product up with strategic, data driven marketing. 

A marketing workflow tool provides your team with the steps you need to take, and elements you need to incorporate in order to build a successful, goal-oriented campaign. And automating the process of marketing workflow allows you to better scale your efforts to the benefit of a variety of audiences. To do this you must start building good connections, and gathering reliable information and data to help enable this strategy. 

Let’s talk about how you can make that happen. 

Lead routing based on company need

If you have a variety of account types you serve within your company, you likely also have different sales and marketing people that design personalized content and outreach strategies for each of those types. 

This is a valuable strategy as different kinds of organizations across different industries, geographic locations, and even brand philosophies will have different needs, and different use cases for your product. If your team can speak directly to that need, you stand a better chance of making a conversion. 

So, understanding how to deliver the right marketing materials to individual companies is initiated by building a comprehensive view of the company’s identity, structure, spending habits, and relationship to technology. 

You’ll want to score your leads based on a number of different data points so you can then route them to the right team. For example, if a company is scored with 10,000+ employees, a global distribution, and a tech expenditure of $5million+ a year, they should be routed to your teams with enterprise expertise. 

To do this effectively, lead firmographic information such as size, location, industry, income, and expenditure should be compiled into databases where they may be easily referenced or inputted for automatic routing

Ideally the majority of your information will be first party – information you have gathered yourself – necessitating the use of a CRM solution to help you precisely track the client journey. To supplement this benefit, however, you may use data enrichment strategies to integrate second and third party data for a fuller perspective on the needs of each of your leads. 

Nurture workflows

Establishing an effective marketing workflow means more than just data mining in the ether. Creating a truly personal and user-oriented campaign requires you to first talk to your clients to find out what it is they need. 

It is possible, and necessary, to make inferences about the use case of your lead based on broad organizational information. But if you chat with the people who will be making the buying decision, you may gain a wealth of information – including precise use cases, whether they are actively shopping for a solution, who to talk to, etc. – that will not only allow you to build a better marketing strategy, but also to offer more accessible sales, onboarding, and upgrading processes. It also contributes to more personal, long-lasting, and mutually beneficial relationships between businesses. 

Your anecdotal data may also inform and influence marketing workflow automation down the line. Firmographic data can be implemented to organize leads into broad categories, and information gleaned through direct conversation and communication may allow you to generate automated responses and nurture better, more precise funneling for a custom user experience. 

Onboarding/abandonment workflow

A personalized touch goes a long way during and after the conversion process, as well. In the early days of user engagement, clients are often left to their own devices to discover how they can make a product work best for them. Too often, however, this results in abandonment or diminished engagement as users fail to work the solution effectively, or are left underwhelmed when they cannot discover unique or special functions by themselves. 


During the onboarding process, consider offering your new clients a personalized walkthrough where a product expert demonstrates how this user may effectively engage the product to their best benefit. 

Or, you might create an automated alert system that describes to your CS team where in the self-guided onboarding journey your new client may be, and how you can support them. This method also allows you to identify possible pain points in the onboarding process, if you find user engagement dropping off consistently in the same place. 


Your workflow can also help you to reintegrate users who may have stepped away from the product. 

If a client has ceased engagement with your product, at any stage in onboarding or later use, consider automating outreach at varying levels to encourage reentry. 

First, you will want to assess why engagement has stopped or slowed. This might include a short survey which, based on the answer, will trigger a second outreach offering support to address the initial problem. The third might extend an invitation for person-to-person interaction. 

Of course, all responses gleaned from this system should be contributing to your CRM data cache, and informing automation efforts in the future. 

How Intricately can help automate marketing

Intricately is a marketing and sales outreach platform offering unparalleled enterprise data which allows B2B organizations to create personalized campaigns with better rates of conversion. 

With Intricately, building a data-informed automated marketing workflow is easy. All the information you need for precise lead routing and informed outreach is at your fingertips, allowing you to better understand, communicate with, and keep your growing client base. 

Sign up for a demo today to see what else Intricately has to offer you.