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Introducing Intricately's 2021 Open Source Cloud Market Snapshot: Insights to Drive Revenue in an Open Source Business Model

The open source community was built on innovation and the democratization of software. Open source code is free to use, but space in the market has been opening up for value-added products and services that complement the software. By 2022, Red Hat predicts the relative usage of enterprise open source vs. proprietary software will have reached 44%.

Software companies who entered the market through open source business models, or new entrants who have embraced the model as a user adoption growth strategy, face unique challenges finding the right buyers and growing revenue in the long-term.  

Driving Revenue in an Open Source Business Model Presents Unique Challenges

Companies seeking revenue growth through an open source business model are facing unique challenges in the market, stemming from a lack of user data.

  • USAGE ATTRIBUTION: Companies operating an open source business model do not apply standard practices of collecting and attributing user data. This makes it difficult, without cloud footprint data, to correlate usage to particular companies.
  • LEAD QUALIFICATION AND PRIORITIZATION: This attribution challenge continues through the marketing and sales motions of value-added products and services. Companies need the right additional data to prioritize existing users as qualified sales targets.
  • INCREASING COMPETITION: As open source companies are busy trying to solve their attribution challenges; huge competitors have flooded the market. The chart below illustrates Intricately data on of the largest cloud hosting providers - all of whom have gone to market with their own open source offerings.

Top Cloud Hosting Providers 2021

Use Intricately's Cloud Footprint Data to Solve Monetization Challenges and Grow Revenue

Using Intricately cloud footprint data, cloud companies can better understand their user base and identify the best leads to target in order to grow revenue. Using Intricately data, open source revenue teams can identify digitally sophisticated companies who are: 

  • High-growth SMBs with increasing cloud adoption and spend
  • Companies with a high application count
  • Companies with growing cloud and hybrid cloud implementation

These are just three of the many applications of Intricately data that can help open source cloud companies identify the targets with the highest propensity to buy and prioritize their go-to-market activities with them in mind.

Download the Intricately 2021 Open Source Report Today

In this cloud market snapshot, we analyze Intricately data on the global open source landscape, sharing detailed analysis and identifying specific companies who are ideal targets for open source providers. Download the report today to apply these new strategies to lead prioritization that will lead to revenue growth in 2021 and beyond. 

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Open source teams around the globe work with Intricately to supplement their data sets with cloud adoption, usage and spend data to find the right buyers for your company in the open source market. We can provide market share analysis for your company, market, or industry. 

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